10 Incredible Full Body Resistance Band Workouts

Full Body Resistance Band Workouts

Exercise is very crucial to keep our body fit and healthy. However, many people can’t afford or find time for going to a gymnasium. But you can effectively work all your body muscles without weights or equipment. The only piece of equipment you need is a resistance band. A resistance band is a flexible latex or synthetic rubber band that people use for strength training. Here, we will check out the 10 best full-body resistance band workouts.
Resistance Band Bicep Curls

Target Muscles – Biceps, Lower Arms
Resistance Band Bicep Curl is an excellent exercise for the toning and strengthening of your biceps. By building strong and muscular biceps, this exercise allows you to perform weight lifting activities effortlessly. Furthermore, it gives a great shape to your arms by eliminating saggy skin. To do this exercise, you may sit on a chair or stand straight.
How To Do The Resistance Band Bicep Curls Exercise?
Stand straight with both feet shoulder-width apart and a resistance band under both your feet.
Now hold the ends of the resistance band in each hand at the sides of your thighs. Also, your palms must face towards the front direction.
After that, bend your elbows to bring the resistance band handles towards your shoulders.
Then, return your arms slowly to the initial position without bending your back.
Do 15-20 repetitions of these steps per set.
Resistance Band Overhead Triceps Extension

Target Muscles – Triceps, Biceps, Shoulders, Chest, Lats
Resistance Band Overhead Triceps Extension is an excellent upper-body exercise. With the triceps as the primary target, this exercise also works your shoulders, chest, and lats. Furthermore, it’s very effective for improving shoulder movement and upper back strength. You can perform this exercise while standing or standing.
How To Do The Resistance Band Overhead Triceps Extension Exercise?
- Stand straight and take one step ahead with your right foot. Also, keep your left foot’s heel lifted.
- Loop one end of the resistance band under your right foot. Grasp the other end of the resistance band firmly with both hands as it comes around your back.
- Extend your arms straight above your head while pulling the resistance band.
- Now bend your elbows to lower your forearms towards your back. Also, don’t let allow your back to bend while doing so.
- After that, return to the initial position i.e. straight extended arms above your head.
- Repeat these steps 10-20 times per set.
Resistance Band Lateral Raises

Target Muscles – Shoulders
Resistance Band Lateral Raise helps to target the shoulders in particular. This exercise helps to tone and strengthen the shoulder muscles. Furthermore, it helps to give a broad & well-built appearance to your upper body.
How To Do The Resistance Band Lateral Raises Exercise?
- Stand straight with both feet shoulder-width apart.
- Loop a resistance band under both your feet.
- After that, firmly hold both ends of the band with each hand near your thighs.
- While keeping your arms completely straight, slowly raise them to the shoulder level. Make sure not to bend your arms and stop when your arms form a straight line with shoulders.
- Hold for a second and then, slowly lower your arms to the initial position.
- Repeat these steps 15-20 times per set.
Resistance Band Curl To Press

Target Muscles – Biceps, Shoulders, Upper Back, Core
Resistance Band Curl To Press is an exceptional exercise that combines the benefits of two exercises. First, it helps to target the biceps through the traditional curls exercise. Furthermore, it helps to tone and build shoulders through the overhead press exercise. As a bonus, it also helps to make the core stronger.
How To Do The Resistance Band Curl To Press Exercise?
- Stand straight with a resistance band coiled under both your feet.
- Hold both handles of the resistance band in each hand on the side of your thighs.
- Now bend your elbow to bring the handles towards your shoulders slowly.
- After the handles are near your shoulders, extend both your arms straight up.
- Return the handles near your shoulders and then, into the initial position near your thighs.
- Repeat these steps 15-20 times per set.
Resistance Band Pushups

Target Muscles – Chest, Back, Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders, Core
As the name suggests, Resistance Band Pushups is a variation of the standard pushups exercise. This amazing exercise helps to tone and build your upper body, along with the core. Furthermore, it improves the strength and mobility of the entire upper body.
How To Do The Resistance Band Pushups Exercise?
- Get down on the floor on all fours, i.e. bent knees and straight arms.
- After that, coil a resistance band around your back and hold its handles in each hand.
- Extend your legs straight to get into the initial pushup position or the extended arms plank pose.
- Now lower your body to the floor by bending your elbows. Make sure to keep your body completely straight while doing so.
- Use your arms strength to lift your body back to the extended arms plank position.
- Repeat these steps 15-20 times per set.
Resistance Band Seated Row

Target Muscles – Lats, Upper Back, Biceps, Shoulders
Resistance Band Seated Row is an incredible exercise to tone and strengthen arms, shoulders, and upper back. Furthermore, it is very effective to prevent back injuries by making the back stronger. Additionally, this exercise helps to build a broader upper back to form a V-shape upper body.
How To Do The Resistance Band Seated Row Exercise?
- Sit down on the floor with a straight back and extend your legs in front of you.
- After that, loop a resistance band around both your feet.
- Grasp each end of the resistance band with both hands with straight extended arms.
- Slowly pull the band towards your chest by bending your elbows beyond your body.
- When your hands reach your chest, hold the position for a second. After that, slowly extend your arms to the initial position while not allowing your back to bend.
- Repeat these steps 15-20 times per set.
Resistance Band Standing Bicycle Crunches

Target Muscles – Abs, Obliques, Hips
Resistance Band Standing Bicycle Crunches is one of the most effective core exercises. This exercise helps to eliminate excess fat from the abdominal region. Furthermore, it targets the obliques, which most other exercises fail to engage. Also, it’s an excellent workout to improve your body’s balance, stability, and stamina.
How To Do The Resistance Band Standing Bicycle Crunches Exercise?
- Stand straight with both feet shoulder-width apart.
- Coil a mini resistance band around both your feet. Now, place both hands behind your head and intertwine the fingers for better grip.
- After that, bend your torso towards the left to bring your right elbow near your core. At the same time, raise your left knee to bring it towards your right elbow.
- Return to the initial position and do the same steps with the opposite leg and elbow.
- Repeat these steps 15-20 times per set.
Resistance Band Woodchoppers

Target Muscles – Abdominal Muscles, Obliques, Arms, Back, Shoulders
Resistance Band Woodchoppers is a very effective exercise to target the entire upper body and core. To begin with, this exercise helps to tone and strengthen the back and arms. Furthermore, it’s very efficient for improving the range of motion of the upper body. Last but not least, it helps to eliminate excess fat from abs and obliques. If you’re looking for the best exercises to build abs, this is a great choice.
How To Do The Resistance Band Woodchoppers Exercise?
- Fix one end of the resistance band on the top of a door behind you.
- Take one step ahead with your left foot. Stand in such a way that your right shoulder is in front of the band’s fixed end.
- Firmly grasp the other end of the resistance band with both hands near your head’s right side. Also, make sure that your arms are completely straight.
- Now twist and bend your torso towards your left side. Simultaneously, pull the resistance band to bring your hands near your left thigh. Thus, the movement is like you’re chopping wood with an ax.
- Return to the initial position by bringing your arms back to the initial point.
- Repeat these steps 15-20 times per set, and then switch sides.
Resistance Band Squats

Target Muscles – Glutes, Core, Quadriceps, Hip Adductors, Back
As the name suggests, Resistance Band Squats are a variation of the traditional squats exercise. It’s a super-effective exercise to target your lower body and core. It helps to improve your legs’ explosive power. Thus, you’re able to perform athletic activities more efficiently. Furthermore, it helps to improve the stability and mobility of the legs.
How To Do The Resistance Band Squats Exercise?
- Stand straight with both your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Coil one end of the resistance band under both your feet and wrap the other around your shoulders.
- Now lower down your upper body by bending your knees and extending your buttocks backward. While doing so, avoid your back from bending and keep your back completely straight.
- Stop when your knees are exactly above your toes and hold for a second. After that, stand back to the initial position.
- Repeat these steps 15-30 times per set.
Resistance Band Glute Bridge

Target Muscles – Glutes, Hamstrings, Abs, Lower Back
Resistance Band Glute Bridge is an amazingly effective exercise to tone and build your glutes. Furthermore, it also helps to strengthen your lower back while targeting your abs. This workout is very effective for athletes and sportspersons.
How To Do The Resistance Band Glute Bridge Exercise?
- Lie down on the floor on your back. Bend your knees to bring your feet close to your buttocks.
- Coil a mini resistance band around both legs right above your knees.
- Now slowly lift your buttocks off the floor. Stop when your knees, buttocks, back, and shoulders are in a straight line.
- Hold for a second and lower your body to the initial position.
- Repeat these steps 15-30 times per set.
The Bottom Line!
So these are the 10 most effective full-body resistance band exercises. Apart from these, there are various other exercises that you can try too. To get the best results, make sure to consume a nutrient-dense diet along with these exercises. Also, you should get assistance from a fitness expert to do these exercises correctly.