Belly Fat Burner Exercises

Exercises to burn belly fat
Belly fat is one of the most common problems faced by people of all ages around the world. If you have belly fat, then you might be know how difficult it is to get rid of it. The extra fat can build around your stomach area due to many different reasons. Some of the most common reasons include genetics, lifestyle, alcohol, stress, and ill-eating habits. But don’t worry as you can easily tone your belly into the perfect shape by eating healthily & regularly doing belly fat burner exercises. To help you better, here are some of the best exercises to eliminate abdominal fat quickly.
Mountain Climbers

When you ask any fitness expert which exercise is best to lose belly fat, Mountain Climbers will always be in the top 10 list. This is an incredible workout to tone, strengthen, and build your complete body. This exercise targets various body muscles like biceps, triceps, chest, abs, shoulders, oblique muscles, quadriceps, hamstring muscles, and hip adductors. Moreover, mountain climbers also help to improve stamina, balance, and stability of the body.
Steps To Do Mountain Climbers
- Get down on the floor in the extended arms plank position, while keeping your complete body in a straight line.
- After that, you need to lift your right feet off the floor and bring the right knee near your chest.
- Then, immediately after return the right leg to the initial position, do the same with your left leg.
- Repeat these steps 15-30 times with alternate legs per set, as if you are climbing a mountain vertically.
Bicycle Crunches

Bicycle crunches are a more intense version of the standard crunches exercise, which helps in losing belly fat quickly. This exercise targets your abdominal muscles, oblique muscles, gluteal muscles, hamstrings, and quadriceps. Also, you don’t require any special equipment for this exercise and it can be done anywhere.
Steps To Bicycle Crunches
- Lie down on the floor on your back and place both hands behind your head with interlocked fingers.
- After that, bend your knees to lift your feet in the air and lift your head above from the ground.
- Then, bring your right knee towards your left elbow by bending your torso.
- Immediately after returning your right knee and left elbow back to the initial position, repeat the above steps with opposite arm & leg.
- Keep repeating these steps 20-30 times per set, as if you are cycling while doing crunches.

Burpees are another amazingly effective exercise to lose belly fat and strengthen the entire body. This exercise builds and tones your shoulders, chest, core, lats, arms, hamstring muscles, calf muscles, and quadriceps. Furthermore, it also improves your cardiovascular strength & stamina.
Steps To Do Burpees
- Stand straight with both your feet apart at a shoulder-width.
- After that, lower down your body into a squat position by extending your butt backward and bending your knees. Also, keep your back completely straight & don’t extend your knees beyond your toes.
- Then, place your hands near your feet and hop back your feet to get into the extended arms plank position.
- Now you need to do a pushup, hop your feet back to the initial position, and get into the squat position. Immediately jump into the air with your arms above your head.
- Repeat these steps 15-20 times per set.

Crunches are a traditional exercise for losing belly fat quickly at home. The main targeted areas of this exercise include your core & abdominal muscles. The best thing about crunches is that you don’t need any equipment to do this exercise.
Steps To Do Crunches
- Lie down on the floor on your back and bend your knees to bring your feet near your hips.
- Place both your hands behind your head with interlocked fingers.
- After that, slowly lift your upper body towards your knees and hold for 1 second.
- Then, return to the initial position and repeat these steps 20-30 times per set.
Forearm Plank Pose

Forearm plank pose is one of the best exercises as well as yoga asanas to tone your tummy. This belly fat burner exercise targets your abdomen, back, shoulders, oblique muscles, and gluteal muscles. Apart from toning, it also acts as a great strengthening and stretching workout.
Steps To Do Forearm Plank Pose
- Get down on the floor in the standard pushup position i.e. extended arms & straight body on toes.
- After that, bend your right arm and then the left arm to support your body on your elbows and toes.
- Also, make sure to keep your head, back, butt, and knees in a straight line while doing so.
- Hold this pose for 20-60 seconds per set.
Russian Twists Exercises to burn belly fat

Russian Twist is an excellent exercise to tone and strengthen your core area. To do this exercise you will need a gym ball, a kettlebell or a dumbbell. Also, this seems to be a simple exercise but maintaining balance during this exercise is not easy.
Steps To Do Russian Twists
- Sit down on the floor while holding a gym ball or kettlebell with both hands near your core.
- After that, slightly bend your upper body backward and lift your feet off the floor by bending your knees. Thus, your whole body will be balanced on your buttocks.
- Then, turn your upper body towards the right side to touch the ball on the floor.
- Immediately, do the same steps on your left side.
- Keep repeating these steps for 20-30 times on each side per set.
Lying Leg Raises

Lying leg raises is a great belly fat burner exercise that can be done anywhere without any special equipment. This exercise targets your abs, gluteal muscles, hamstrings, and quadriceps. You can do it on the floor or on a gym bench (if you want more intensity).
Steps To Do Lying Leg Raises
- Lie down straight on the floor on your back or vertically on a gym bench.
- Place your palms on the floor or hold the sides of the bench near your hips.
- Now slowly lift both your legs together as high as you can and hold for one second.
- After that return your legs to the initial position without touching them on the floor.
- Repeat these steps 20-30 times per set.

Swimming is one of the best exercises to lose belly fat, along with your complete body. This exercise helps in toning, strengthening, and building up all body muscles. There are different strokes that you can try to target your abdominal fat. For this, you can always get in touch with a fitness expert to guide and assist you better. If you don’t know how to swim, get in touch with a swimming coach today and get into the perfect shape in a fun way.
Jogging & Running

Sprinting is undoubtedly the best exercises to burn belly fat. However, for people who can’t run due to age or other problems, brisk walking & jogging can be the second-best option. When you run, the entire body muscles are involved from head to toe. Thus, it helps in getting rid of belly fat, while also building & strengthening your entire body. Furthermore, it also helps to boost stamina, stability, and body balance. Thus, start doing brisk walking, and then slowly shift to jogging & sprinting. Also, you can do inclined running on a treadmill to get even better results.

Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that involves various breathing exercises to keep mind and body healthy. There are various pranayamas and asanas that can help in losing belly fat in very little time. Examples of asanas for getting rid of belly fat include boat pose, seated forward bend pose, upward plank pose, and upward-facing dog, etc. Various exercises to burn belly fat burner pranayamas include anulom vilom, bhastrika, and kapalabhati, etc. By doing these asanas and pranayamas on a regular basis, you will not only lose weight but also stay healthier.
That’s all folks!
So these were the 10 most effective exercises to burn belly fat quickly. With the perfect combination of these exercises and a nutrient-dense diet, you can easily get into shape. Also, make sure to get in touch with a licensed dietician to get a personalized diet plan.