30-Day Booty Challenge

Booty is one of the most crucial elements of everyone’s physique or body figure. Having a toned and big booty makes all the dresses look much better on their body. Like other body muscles, building and toning of buttocks also requires proper diet and targeted exercises. Recently, a lot of fitness challenges are becoming viral all around the world. So if you want to get that perfectly toned, then you can also take a 30-day booty challenge. To help you better, here are all the exercises and their schedules that you need to follow for this challenge.
30-Day Booty Workout Schedule

The 30 days workout schedule for the perfect butt will include 5 workout days and 2 days rest. On each day, you have to do 2-3 sets of various exercises targeted on the toning and strengthening of your buttocks. Also, you need to increase the number of repetitions for each exercise every week. Here are the exercises that you need to do from day 1 to day 5 every week.
Monday – Squat It Out Booty challenge

On every Monday of the 30-day booty challenge, you need to do various squatting exercises that target your butt. You need to begin every week by doing these squat exercises. You can do 2-3 sets of each exercise with 10-20 reps in the first week. After every week, you may increase the number of sets and repetitions per set for the best results. Also, start with exercises like glute bridges, jumping jacks, and mountain climbers for warming up.
- Standard Squats
To do Standard Squats, stand straight with both feet apart at a shoulder-width & both hands joined near your chest. Now slowly bend your knees and extend your butt back to lower your body. Don’t allow your knees to extend below your toes. Also, make sure to keep your back completely straight while doing so. Lower your body as much as possible and then, return to the initial position. Repeat these steps 10-15 times per set.
- Elevated-Heel Sumo Squat
To do Elevated-Heel Sumo Squats, stand straight with both feet distanced at a hip-width. After that, point your toes outwards at 45° and join both hands in front of your chest. Now lift both your heel up and then, bend your knees and extend your butt back to lower your body. Make sure to keep your back straight and maintain your balance while doing so. Once you’ve lowered your body to the maximum, return to the initial position. Repeat these steps 10-15 times per set.
- Alternating Lateral Squat
To do Alternating Lateral Squats, stand straight with both your feet joined together & join both hands near your chest. Now you need to lift your right foot and place it at a shoulder-width distance from the left one. At the same time, bend your knees and extend backward to lower your body into the squat position. Stand back into the initial position and do the same steps with your left leg. Repeat these steps 10-15 times on each side per set.
- Bulgarian Split Squats
To do Bulgarian Split Squats, stand straight with a gym bench placed behind you at about 1.5 feet. Now bend your right leg backward and place your right foot on the top of the gym bench. Thus, 80% of the bodyweight would be balanced on your left leg. After that, bend your left knee & extend your buttocks backward to lower your body into the squat position. Your back should be completely straight while doing so. Return to the initial position and do the same steps again. Repeat these steps 10-15 times on each leg per set.
Tuesday – Butt Toner

On every Tuesday of the 30-day booty challenge, you will do butt toning, strengthening, and building exercises. All these workouts will work on your gluteal muscles and other parts of the lower body. Like day 1 exercises, you also need to increase the number of sets and repetitions of day 2 exercises every week. For warming up, you can do squats, lunges, and forearm plank hip-twists, etc.
- Curtsy Lunges With Dumbbells
To do Curtsy Lunges With Dumbbells, stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold one dumbbell in each hand on your sides. After that, lower down your upper body by bending your right knee and extending the left leg backward. Thus, you should end up placing your left foot behind your right one, as if you’re showing curtsy. While doing so, keep your back completely straight. After that, return to the initial position and repeat these steps 10-20 times with each leg per set.
- Single-Leg Kettlebell Deadlifts
To do Single Leg Deadlifts, stand straight with both your feet hip-width apart. Grip a kettlebell with both your hands on your front side. After that, you need to slowly lift your right leg backward and bend your upper body in the front direction. Make sure to keep your back and arms completely straight. When your upper body and right leg are almost in a line, return to the initial position. Repeat these steps 10-15 times per set and then switch legs.
- Jump Squats
To do Jump Squats, stand straight with both your feet shoulder-width apart. Now you need to bend your knees and extend your butt backward to do a squat. Keep your back straight and lower down your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor. After that, stand straight and jump in the air immediately to return to the squat position. Repeat these steps 10-20 times per set.
- Resistance Band Donkey Kicks
To do Resistance Band Donkey Kicks, get down on all fours i.e. knees and extended arms. Wrap one end of the resistance band around your right foot and hold the other with your left hand. Now you need to extend your right leg and lift it towards the ceiling. Stop when your thigh comes parallel to the floor. Return your leg to the initial position and repeat the same steps 10-20 times per set and switch legs.
Wednesday – Tempo Workouts

On every Wednesday of the 30-day booty challenge, you will do exercises to boost the butt toning process. You can make these exercises more intense by increasing the number of sets and reps every week. Before starting these tempo workouts, you can do squats, side plank clamshell, and glute-bridge exercises for warm-up.
- Sumo Squats With Dumbbell
To do Sumo Squats, stand straight with both your feet at a hip-width distance and hold a dumbbell with both your hands. Now point your toes outwards in the opposite direction at a 45° angle. Now bend your knees and extend your hips backward to squat down. Don’t allow your knees to extend below your toes and keep your back straight. Repeat these steps 10-20 times per set.
- Step-Ups With Dumbbells
To do Step-Ups With Dumbbells, stand in front of a sturdy 1.5-2feet high gym box with one dumbbell in each hand. Now you need to lift your right foot and place it on the top of the box. Immediately after that, lift your left foot and to get up on the box. After that, reverse the steps and repeat them for 10-20 times per set.
- Lateral Lunges With Dumbbell
To do Lateral Lunges With Dumbbell, stand straight with both your feet apart at twice your shoulder-width. Hold a dumbbell in front of your chest with both your hands. Now move your butt and upper body towards your right and lunge down. While doing so, all your body weight should be on your right leg. Return to the initial position and do the same steps again. Repeat these steps 10-15 times on each side per set.
- Plank Squat Jumps
To do Plank Squat Jumps, stand straight with both feet apart at shoulder-width. Now you need to squat down by bending your knees and extending your hips backward. Immediately after that, place your palms on the floor and jump your legs backward to get into extended-arms plank pose. Then reverse the steps to stand back into the squat position and jump in the air. Land in the squat position again and repeat these steps 10-20 times per set.
Thursday – Glute Sculptor

On every Thursday of the 30-day booty challenge, you will be doing exercises that primarily target your gluteal muscles. You can increase the number of sets and repetitions of all these glute exercises every week. For warming up, you can do low squat hold, glute bridge, and glute bridge marching exercises.
- Barbell Hip Thrust
To do Barbell Hip Thrusts, you need to sit down on a gym bench with a barbell rod on your upper thighs. Grip the barbell rod firmly and slide your body downwards by moving your feet away from the bench. Thus, your upper back will be on the bench, straight upper body up to knees, and knees bent at 90°. Now slowly lower down your core with the barbell rod as much as possible. Lift it again back and repeat these steps 10-20 times per set.
- Barbell Glute Bridge
To do Barbell Glute Bridge, lie down on the floor facing upwards and hold a barbell rod on upper thighs. After that, bend your knees and slowly use your core and glute strength to lift your hip off the ground. Stop when your shoulders, hips, and knees form a straight line. Hold the position for 2-3 seconds and return to the initial position. Repeat these steps 10-20 times per set.
- Barbell Deadlifts
To do Barbell Deadlifts, stand straight in front of a barbell rod with both your feet hip-width apart. After that, bend your upper body and use both your hands to grip the wide ends of the rod. Keep your back and lower legs completely straight while doing so. Then, slowly lift the rod by standing straight up. Reverse these steps again and lift the rod back up without letting it touch the floor. Repeat these steps 10-20 times per set.
- Resistance Band Lateral Walk
To do Resistance Band Lateral Walk, stand straight with both your feet shoulder-width apart. Wrap a resistance band around both your ankles. Now you need to lift your right foot and keep it on your right side, followed by your left foot. In the same way, take 5 steps to the right side and then, to the left side. Repeat these steps 20-30 times on each side per set.
Friday – Cardio Is The King

On every Friday of the 30-day booty challenge, you will do cardio exercises to tone& strengthen your buttocks. When it comes to weight loss or reshaping the body, cardio always plays a major role. For warming up, you can do squats, jumping jacks, and alternating toe touches, etc.
- Crunches With Knees-Up
To do Crunches With Knees-Up, lie down on the floor on your back and bend your knees. After that, lift your upper body and knees to bring them close together. Thus, you will be balancing your body in your buttocks. Then reverse the steps without touching your head and feet on the floor. Repeat these steps 10-20 times per set.
- Alternating Jump Lunges
To do Alternating Jump Lunges, stand straight with both your feet close together. Then, lunge down by lifting your right foot off the floor and keeping it behind you. Now while returning it to the initial position, do the same steps with your left foot. Keep doing these steps continuously to do alternating jump lunges. Repeat these steps 10-20 times with both legs per set.
- Single-Leg Glute Bridge
To do Single Leg Glute Bridge, lie down on the floor on your back with bent knees. After that, you need to extend your right leg and lift it in the air. While holding the leg in the air, lift your hips off the floor. Lift your leg until your shoulders, head, and knee are in a straight line. Lower your body again and do the same steps. Repeat these steps 10-20 times per set and then switch legs.
- Mountain Climbers
To do Mountain Climbers, get down on the floor into the extended arms plank position. Make sure that your head, back, hips, and knees are in a straight line. After that, lift your right knee and bring it towards the left side of your chest. Return it to the initial position and immediately do the same steps with the left knee. Keep doing these steps continuously as if you’re climbing a steep mountain. Repeat these steps 10-20 times per set with both legs.
The Bottom Line!
So these are all the exercises that should be included in your 30-day booty challenge. By doing these exercises for 30 days, you will see an amazing difference in your butt shape & size. Though, you need to eat a nutrient-dense diet along with these exercises to get the best results. For the right diet, it is highly recommended for you to contact a licensed dietician.