Bubble Butt Workouts For Women

Every woman wants a perfectly-shaped bubble butt to make her figure look more awesome. This is because all types of dresses look amazing on perfect bubble booty. While some girls & women tend to have a big & round butt due to genetics, others have to work hard to build it. But it’s not impossible to get that perfect bubble bum, as the combination of the right diet and exercises can make it easily possible. Thus, you don’t have to get embarrassed or stressed anymore about your butt not being in shape, with these 8 bubble butt workouts you can also have the but of your dream.

Moreover, if you can’t go to a gymnasium, there are several home workouts for getting into shape. To help you better, we are going to list the best bubble butt workouts for women.
Bubble but workout
- Standard squats – Squats are one of the most effective full-body workouts to tone and strengthen the whole body. Squatting helps in strengthening the glute muscles while shaping the butt in a perfect form. Moreover, squats also help in toning and building various body muscles like legs, hamstrings, calves, quads, core, and lower back, etc. It might seem like a simple exercise, but it is one of the most intense exercises.

To do squats, you need to stand straight with your both feet apart at shoulder-width. Then, you need to bend down by extending your buttocks in the backward direction, just like sitting on a chair. Also, make sure not to extend your bent knees ahead of your toes. After that, return to the initial standing position and repeat these steps 15-20 times per set.
- Jumping squats – As the name suggests, jumping squats is a modification of the standard squats. The jumping squats make the squatting more effective and intense. These help to shape and build up the whole body. As this workout is also targeted on the glute muscles, it helps in toning the butt into the perfect bubble shape. Also, Jump Squats help in toning and strengthening of different muscles like legs, hamstrings, calves, quads, core, and lower back, etc.

To do jumping squats, you need to stand straight with both feet at a shoulder-width distance. Then, you need to lean your buttocks in the backward direction and get into a chair-seated position. Make sure not to extend your knees beyond your toes. After that, get back into the initial position and jump in the air. Land in the initial standing position and repeat these steps 15-20 times per set.
- Bridge pose – Bridge Pose is an amazing exercise as well as yoga asana to tone and strengthen the whole body. Bridge poses help in the stretching of the chest, hips, back, and neck. Also, this pose helps in shaping and strengthening the butt, back & hamstring muscles. Other health benefits of bridge pose include improved blood circulation, boosted digestion, and a healthier nervous system, etc. In Yoga, the bridge pose is known as the Setu Bandhasana.

To do the bridge pose, you need to lie down straight on the floor. Then, you need to bend your knees & place both feet apart at a hip-width. Also, keep your arms straight with your palms on the ground. After that, you need to lift your hips as high as possible, while balancing the body on shoulders, head, and feet. Hold this position for a few seconds and return to the initial position. Repeat these steps a few times daily.
- Curtsy lunges – As the name suggests, this a variation of the standard lunges. Curtsy Lunges are a great workout to target your glute muscles and tone your butt into the perfect bubble shape. Also, these help in improving the body posture and strengthening of the lower body. Make sure to do this exercise in the right way to get the best results.

To do Curtsy Lunges, you need to stand straight with both feet placed apart at a shoulder-width. Then, you need to stretch your right leg backward & place it behind your left leg. While doing this, you need to bend both your knees as if you are doing the standard curtsy pose. Also, make sure to keep your back completely straight while doing so. After that, return to the initial position and repeat these steps 15-20 times with alternate legs per set.
- Donkey kicks – Donkey Kicks is one the best exercise to tone the butt and improve the stability of the body. The targeted area of this exercise is the gluteus maximus, which is the largest muscle of your butt. Thus, donkey kicks help in toning the booty into the perfect shape. Moreover, this workout is great for the strengthening of the muscles in the core and shoulders.

To do Donkey Kicks, you need to get down on the floor to support your body on both knees and arms. After that, you need to kick-back & lift one leg as high as possible. Hold it for a few seconds and return to the initial position. Also, make sure to keep your back completely straight and stable, along with your arms. Repeat these steps with both legs 15-20 times per set.
- Side leg lifts – Side Leg Lifts are a great workout to tone and strengthen your lower body. The targeted are of this workout is the adductor muscles of the hips. Thus, this exercise helps in the toning and strengthening of the hips, thighs, and buttocks. Also, it helps in quickly burning the unnecessary fat accumulated around your lower body. It seems to be an easy exercise, but it very intense & effective in reality.

To do Side Leg Lifts, you need to lie down on one side of the body with your head resting on your elbow. Then, you need to place your other hand in front of your chest or on your waist. After that, you need to exhale and lift your upper leg as high as possible. Hold it at the peak point for 3-4 seconds and then, return to the initial position. Repeat these steps 15-20 times per set with each leg.
- Fire hydrant – This is an amazing exercise targeted on the toning of glutes and thighs. Along with that, this exercise helps in strengthening and building the core, shoulders, back, and hips. You can do the fire hydrant exercise easily at home without equipment.

To do this pose, you need to get down on the floor on your knees and hands (with straight arms). Make sure to keep your knees bent at a 90 degrees angle. After that, you need to lift one bent leg as high as possible. Hold it for a few seconds and return to the initial position. Repeat these steps with both legs 15-20 times per set.
- Plank leg arm extension pulses – This is an excellent variation of the standard plank pose, targeted on the core area and glute muscles. Furthermore, this exercise helps in toning and strengthening of the thighs, hips, back, and shoulders. Other benefits of this exercise include posture improvement and muscle development.

To do this exercise, you need to get down on your knees and hands with straight arms. Make sure to keep your back completely straight during this workout. After that, you need to extend one leg backward as high as possible. Simultaneously, you need to extend your opposite-side arm in the front direction. Return to the initial position & repeat these steps 15-20 times with each leg per set.
The Conclusion!
So these were the 8 best bubble butt workouts at home for women to get that perfect booty. Experts always say that our diet plays a major role in getting fitter. Therefore, to get the best results in less time, make sure to combine these workouts with a healthy diet plan. In case of any questions or suggestions, feel free to get in touch with us through comments.