Diabetes Incontinence A Complete Guide

Diabetes Incontinence

Diabetes may be described as a metabolic syndrome in which the sugar level of blood is usually higher than the normal. This results in various symptoms. This situation takes place when our pancreas fails to generate the required level of insulin to transfer glucose inside cells of our body. This eventually results in a high sugar level in our blood. Diabetes Incontinence can be categorized into various groups, and these are given below:

When there is a small increase in our blood level, then it is known as prediabetes. This situation of the body can be reversed by changing your lifestyle.
Type 1 diabetes
In this stage, our body is not able to produce insulin. It is an autoimmune disease in which insulin replacement therapy is implemented.
Type 2 diabetes
Another name for Type 2 diabetes is Mellitus. It is a metabolic condition in which our body struggles to generate the required insulin level. The patient should change their eating habits and adopt low sugar and low carb food items.
Diabetes is a condition that always keeps on rising. According to the survey, it is recorded that high levels of obesity are the main reason for this rising issue. Most people who are diagnosed as prediabetic patients are suffering from obesity. The diabetic patient also starts suffering from various health-related problems such as heart disease, kidney-related problems, and blindness. Diabetic patients also suffer from bladder related issues and bowel continence problems. Various symptoms shown by diabetic patients are as follows:
Increased thirst, Frequent urination, Increased hunger, instant loss in weight, immediate fatigue, feeling dizziness, and nausea.
Why a Diabetic Person Become Incontinent?
Most diabetic patients suffer from bladder related problems. It generally occurs due to neurogenic bladder that is a result of nerve damage (neuropathy). The nerve damage can take place in a diabetic patient due to increased blood sugar levels. If a high sugar level is not controlled, then it automatically results in nerve damage. There are some symptoms of neurogenic bladder like frequent urination, inability to fully empty bladder, Overactive Bladder, Overflow incontinence.
Diabetic persons may also suffer from nocturia, the need to go for urination more than one time during night time. It is a direct sign that body blood sugar level has crossed the normal level. Sometimes diabetic patient also experiences constipation and diarrhea. It can be controlled by the right medication and by adopting a healthy lifestyle.
Treatment Of Diabetes Mellitus
Symptoms of the diabetic condition depend on the bladder situation or bowel condition. There are various treatments treat the symptoms and let the patient live a normal and healthy life. Sometimes a high level of blood sugar also results in infection in the urinary tract. This, in turn, results in kidney damage if this situation is not treated as soon as possible. If you are diagnosed with a diabetic problem and suffering from frequent urination problems, then start taking its treatment. Are you looking for Incontinent solutions? Then you should change your lifestyle, start eating and drinking healthy food items. It will help in maintaining your bowel condition in control.
- Eat Healthy Diet And Change Your Lifestyle
If you want to keep your bladder and bowel in healthy condition, then it is imperative that the patient should eat healthy food items and take balanced diets. The diabetic diet should contain plenty of fiber and a huge amount of water. Ideally, a diabetic patient should drink 6 to 8 glasses of water per day. It helps in regulating the bowel movement and maintain the right consistency of stools. Diabetic patients should avoid caffeine, carbonated drinks, and alcoholic beverages. These drinks can create irritation in their bladder and instantly raise their blood sugar level. Diabetic patients should wear incontinence briefs when heavy protection is a goal.
- Bladder Retraining
It is one of the simplest and best techniques for treating frequent urination problem. In the bladder retraining technique, you have to note down your bladder habits on a chart. Based on the recorded pattern, enhance the length of time for urination.
- Intermittent Catheterisation
The most diabetic patient also suffers from urinary retention problem; the catheterization process can help you to empty your bladder. This therapy will reduce the chances of overflow incontinence and also prevent your kidney and bladder from damage. In this technique, a small disposable plastic tube is inserted inside the urethra to help the diabetic patient to empty the bladder. Well, this process may sound daunting, but it can prevent many people from kidney damage. Intermittent Catheterisation is a simplest and convenient technique to empty your full bladder.
- Indwelling Catheterisation
In this technique, indwelling catheters are used as either short term or long term solution. In this technique, again, a small plastic tube is inserted inside the urethra. This tube is further attached to the drainage bag. In this way, the indwelling catheter is used to empty up the full bladder.
Meet the Author:
Rihanna holds a degree in health and fitness, has worked as a health instructor for over a decade at some very prominent health related organization and basically a writer by heart.
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